Our Four Planes of Awareness
May 05, 2020
There are four levels that we experience our existence through and therefore our decisions and our change. According to metaphysics there are actually a couple more, but these are the four that most of us can comprehend and therefore are useful to help us decipher our experiences in this world.
Spiritual is simply a belief that there is something out there bigger than us. You can call it god or source or the universe or some alien kid doing a school science project but there is a faith and knowing that we are part of some greater design than just this single existence .
Mental is all things logical, our beliefs, our formal and informal education and the language we use and things we tell ourselves about the problem we have and why it’s so unique to our perspective.
Emotional is the energetic states we experience, our values, our trauma our fight or flight response.
And physical is the manifested reality our physical bodies exist in. This is the bit where gravity is real and doors are solid no matter how much we believe we are particales of light vibrating at high speed.
Our physical bodies are weak, fragile. We cut, we break, we bleed.
We can strengthen them to a point with gym workouts and great nutrition , But when our emotions are engaged, they can make us superhuman. Just think of a mum lifting a car off her baby, or outrunning a bull to save your life.
Emotions can make us strong but they can also make us weak, emotional trauma is stored in our body as disease, kinesiology shows us that lies and negative emotions drop our strength, while truth makes us strong.
So logic allows us to combat that weakness, it builds shoes so we can walk on fire, it builds shelter so we can avoid the cold. It equally sets us free and sets us up to fail – have you ever wondered what would happen if the power went out? Or tried to walk barefoot on the first hot day or summer?
Our spirituality, faith, gives us strength to go on when we are physically broken, emotionally devastated, logically making no sense, our faith in a higher purpose allows us to find the most important of human conditions- hope that everything is happening for a reason and the stronger our belief that there is a reason, the more we’ll use logic to search for it, the more passion and determination will fill our emotional tank and we’ll push our bodies through untold pain.
All four areas are operating and influencing each other at all times which is why it is ludicrous to thing we can heal our life only focusing on one.
And yet So many therapies do.
We are not separate we are one.
We are not a symptom we are a system.
If you have a challenge then you have a gap or block in one or all of the four planes and it needs to be cleared so you can move forward.
Do you need to find faith?
Do you need to learn more tools?
Do you need to process your emotions?
Do you need a physical adjustment?
It doesn’t necessarily matter where you start to make change as long as you start, but if you want a professional opinion and some help to narrow it down give us a call and we can help.
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