Addiction Release Hypnotherapy  Sessions

Release what no longer serves

Addiction Release Hypnotherapy Sessions 

With over 15 years of experience helping clients to successfully release addictions, Fiona has developed a deep understanding about how to ensure clients the greatest opportunity for success with Addiction Release Shamanic Hypnotherapy.

All addictions have a starting point and all addictions can have an end. The great thing is that no matter the length of time you have been doing it or how bad your addiction got, to releasing them can be quick, painless and simple, and permanent if you understand the process.

Successful Addiction Release requires understanding and addressing three critical things.

  • Reasons – Why Quit and why not?
  • Origins – What made you start?
  • Triggers & Cravings – How to not start again?


Reasons Why Quit & Why Not
They say with a big enough reason why, anything is possible and that is true for addictions, to a point. Usually the reasons people are finally ready to successfully quit are because the reasons why they started or what it takes to continue have changed along the way. For example the cost of smoking has gone from a few dollars to almost $100 a packet in some cases. Health reasons, social reasons or even just changes in lifestyle, like becoming a parent, or more evidence of research that means the old behaviour goes against their new values. Unfortunately having the big enough reason why is not always enough, sometimes it is countered by our reasons why we DON’T want to quit which can include fear of the consequences of doing so linked to the Origins of why they started.


Origins What made you start?
ALL addictions, whether resourceful or unresourceful meet at least 3 of the top 4 of the Six Core Needs and one is the more dominant contributing factor. Some people begin their addictions as an act of rebellion, some out of boredom, some to fit in with their friends. Each Script created by Fiona is different depending on the Origin core need although all factor in the combination. The problem with failed quit attempts is that they don’t understand and heal the origins so the addictions comes back, just like cutting a weed off at the surface instead of pulling it out by the roots. It is important to note that each addiction release session may impact healing in other areas of your life however more extended breakthrough transformation coaching may be required to completely resolve deeper addiction origins from current or past lives.


Triggers and Cravings?
Most addictions become illogical at some point. By the time you are ready for an addiction release session, what started as a choice becomes something running you instead even though you know you don’t want to do it any more. The majority of decisions we make every day are actually based on the muscle memory of our body not current logical decisions of our brain. Successful addiction release requires a reset of the environmental factors that enable the addiction. This process can include resetting areas of your home or workplace to interrupt the automatic habits and make it harder to restart again. It can also include potentially changing or staying away from social situations for a period of time if you origin was connection, or starting new hobbies if your origin was variety for example. Slightly different to the trigger, which is external, cravings are the internal reasons for continuing addictions. Cravings can be emotional or physical for example not enough water or lacking in vitamins or minerals. The more we can identify before the session, the easier we can embed commands to ensure the triggers and cravings are addressed and will have minimal impact after your session so you don’t need to take it up again.

Enquire now to see if an Addiction Release Hypnotherapy session can work for you.

(common addictions released successfully include smoking, drugs, vaping, foods, pron, and more)

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Quit Sessions

$500 AUD

Is there a money back guarantee?

No. While our sessions are successful, we do not offer a money back guarantee because of the nature and origins of addictions. Many hypnosis practitioners who offer guarantees do so because they do not adequately deal with the three core aspects of the problem and instead of creating a solution, instead give their clients an excuse to fail.  

We expect you to succeed. 

What can happen is that during the addiction release process, we may identify that your addiction is a symptom of a much deeper and more entangled problem and if so we may recommend a package of Breakthrough Transformation Coaching and you may be eligible for a discount on your larger package. 

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